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Solar power has gained significant popularity with an increased demand for sustainable energy. That’s because it’s more reliable, and solar panels are easy to install. 

Moreover, solar power systems provide pure energy from the sun to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and increase energy efficiency for residential and commercial buildings. 

When installing solar panels, you must consider various factors that ensure optimum performance once the system is mounted and put to use. Here’s what you need to know. 

Sunlight Distribution on the Roof 

Solar panels perform optimally in an area that receives adequate solar radiation. So locations with average annual sunlight distribution will benefit solar users. You won’t have to rely on the main grid for power supply with efficient solar equipment. If the sunlight distribution is insufficient, you can use more powerful or additional systems to prevent inefficiency in solar radiation. 

Licensed solar installation technicians ensure that the installation surface is well inclined, as it can provide the required angle of interaction between the system surface and the sun’s rays.  

The Weight on Your Roof 

Since solar panels are heavy equipment, they will considerably increase the weight on your roof. But if your roof can’t handle the weight, it could collapse. In addition to being costly damage, this can also cause serious injuries to the residents or employees. 

When dealing with uncertainties, you must hire a professional for a roof evaluation. They can help you determine whether the roof needs additional support to complete the installation.  

The Passage for Water 

The water running down your roof during rain makes its way into the gutters. However, with solar panels on your roof, equipment such as wire harnesses prevents the proper flow of water. Solar equipment sometimes moves the water in a different direction, leading to problems, such as leaks. Since the problems require repairs, you will need to remove the solar panels. 

To prevent these issues, consult with your contractor, who can provide you with a plan to ensure that the installation won’t impact the water runoff. 

Solar panels placed at an angle to receive maximum solar radiationThe Property’s Energy Requirements 

Solar energy can fulfill all the energy requirements of a property off-grid. They can also decide to use solar energy to supplement the supply with the main grid. 

The energy requirement of a home or business helps determine the type of PV installation, based on whether the property will be partially or completely disconnected from the main grid. If you intend to use solar energy as an alternative source of electricity, you will need to mount more powerful and additional systems to meet the power demands.  

You can also review your electricity bill to know your monthly consumption in kWh. That’s how you can calculate the size of your solar energy system. 

Choosing the Right Panel Model 

Choosing the right service provider for installing your solar energy equipment makes a significant difference. Several solar panel models vary depending on the manufacturer, the consumer’s objective, and the planned investment. 

To begin with, you must calculate the cost required and the savings that can be generated. Opt for a brand that offers the best solution for your property. An experienced team of professionals will recommend the models according to the requirements of your project and the budget.   

Choosing a Reliable Contracting Company 

Ensure that the supplier dealing with solar panel equipment provides warranties and regular maintenance of the systems. Since experienced technicians can perform an expert installation of the systems, you must research the best companies to get the contract. 

An authorized company will also address the installation permits and make sure whether the property meets the standards for installing the solar systems

Having an Insurance 

When it comes to installing solar panels on your rooftop, you must consider having the right insurance for the safety of your property and the people in it. Since there can be several problems during the installation process, legal regulations, certifications, and building codes require insurance. These regulations may vary by state, so you must contact the correct resources for your state before the project begins.